Wish You Were Here…

Hello, Mindscapers…

Down with a headache, so will keep it short.

The Wi-fi is crappy too, wow.

This post is for a card, titled “Wish You Were Here..”

Wih you wer here

The whole image is a big paper cut project I did just cause I wanted to and the sentiment was written by me in white ink (yes, that’s my actual handwriting and it’s terrible but I could not be bothered with anything fancy today) It says, “wish you were here”.

The girl in this card represents me. With the high bun, engrossed in a book with a mug of coffee.

And this card is for the many characters I have lived as and lived with through books.


I wouldn’t say that the sentiment is appropriate as I usually wish ‘you’ were ‘real’.

I am very good at obsessing over fictional characters, so much so that my first crush was a fictional character. I am a full-time fangirl with a strong belief that every character in all of my favourite books is very much real and that the only reason I didn’t receive my Hogwarts letter is because He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named wiped out the records from the Ministry during the Battle of Hogwarts. The point being that on those rare occasions when I am forced to believe that these books are just works of awesome fiction writers I wish they were real.

So, yeah…

I have one more pic so…

one more



This card is up for following challenges:

Simon Says: Anything Goes


Simon Says: Make A Wish


Word Art Wednesday


613 Avenue Create


I hope you enjoyed this post. The card. Whatever.

I am gonna take an Asprin and get the heck to bed. Not even gonna edit post so don’t kill me grammar nazis

Huh.. but before I go, Tell me what is your wish! Yeah please do that, I am really curious. and also if there has ever been a time when you really wanted a character to be real ?

Leave your comments. like. share. social media follow.

You know the drill.

Signing off.

3 replies to “Wish You Were Here…

  1. Your silhouette cut out image is AWESOME! Love the emotions/feeling behind this card! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Anything Goes” Challenge! And yeah, I wish Prince Charming from Cinderella is REAL!


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